Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Historical Thinking Reflection

              The historical thinking unit was a great unit for me. I think that this unit is really gonna help us with the rest of the units for the next two years. It showed us how to take notes & use our skeima. Also this unit showed us that history now is not worksheets   and a bunch of homework all the time its about our opinion and what we think like the question " Is Abraham Lincoln a racist or not ?" We debated on what we thought in groups. Other teachers would probably make us work on worksheets and figure it out on what she thought not what we thought. This unit also us whats the difference between good and bad , It showed how to take notes so we wont have to ask how to take notes and be confused we will know automatically what to do.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

My thoughts on 09/22/12

                                              First Day Of School 

What is history ?
History is events & important facts that have happened in the past. 

How do you like to learn ?
I like to learn in smaller groups because bigger groups are distracting and people don't work too much with a bunch of people.

How do you feel about history ?
I feel that its  fun at times when i know exactly what to do and how to explain it to myself.

What does a History class look like ?
A history class looks like textbooks,maps and desks in pairs of fours. 
                 After more then 5 weeks of history ...

 What is History ?
History is a whole diffrent thing to me now.I use to think it was just some facts that people just wrote down and they were "important". As I said before I thought it was just some events that were suppose to be important now . Now history isn't a bunch of worksheets and just reading from the textbook its about what you think now and what your opinion is.

What has your has your experience been in history?
My experience in history has been really good so far because now I get to say my opinion not what the teachers tell us to do. Also we dont just work on boring worksheets we do fun things in groups.

What happens in a history class ?
What happens in a history class is group work , fun activities some reading out of the textbook , not to much homework and taking notes.